Why This Brother Fights for Women

My friend Jory Micah wrote something nice today on Facebook about a group of Christian men that have impacted her recently. I was very gratified to have been included on that list.

The thing we did that surprised her so much is that we supported her in her fight for gender equality in the church. She’s very honest about the fact that she didn’t expect that from men, and was hesitant to include us in her target audience. But she said our little group proved her wrong, and  she wrote of us:

I have a tremendous amount of respect for men who support gender equality in the Church and want to see women flourish in Church leadership. At one point I had a bad taste in my mouth concerning Christian men. I thought most of them wanted me to sit down, shut up, and submit. I thought that most Christian men were OK with condescending remarks such as “Women are equal in value, but not authority;” but you guys have changed my mind forever and I just want to honor the guys today and express my heartfelt gratitude for each of you!”

I completely understand why many men haven’t signed on to this endeavor. Many guys look on it as women’s ministry. It’s pretty easy to think that the women can do this for themselves, that us guys should just focus on men’s stuff and let the Lord work it all out.

Besides, someone might ask us for our “man card” if they suspect we’ve been pushing for women preachers and the like. “How about that nice floral arrangement on the piano, brother? Did you pick the flowers?”

The fact is that, despite the kind words of Jory and a few other like-minded sisters, my popularity hasn’t exactly soared since I took up this cause. And that’s OK with me, because I’m not doing it for popularity.

I’m doing it because I want to impact this world for Christ. I’m doing it because I take the Scriptures seriously, and I firmly believe that the hierarchical complementarian interpretation of Scripture is completely wrong and that by embracing it, good people are doing the very work of the devil in the church. My conviction of this truth grows stronger each day.

I’m doing this because our Lord Jesus told us-

The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” – Jesus, in Luke 10:2 NLT

While hierarchical complementarians tell us-

…some contemporary evangelical writers appeal to the ministries of women in the Scriptures to support the notion that there should be no limits on women’s roles in ministry today. They maintain that women and men should have equal access to every ministry function and that any limits on women derive from culture and tradition, not from the Bible, which they believe supports the full inclusion of women in any ministry. – Thomas Schriener in Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, page 211

Jesus: “Pray… pray, pray beseech the Lord of the Harvest- send more workers into your harvest!!

Complementarians: “Limits! We believe in limiting a woman’s ministry. Don’t let them do too much! Don’t let them soar too high! It’s not proper! It’s not right!”

Fifty. Percent. Of the church.

Fifty. Percent. Of the church.

Fifty. Percent. Of the church.

And John Piper wants to handcuff them. Wayne Grudem wants to hold them back. Thomas Schreiner wants to limit their ministry.

Are you kidding me?

So let’s think….  what can This Brother do to make the biggest possible impact for the Kingdom of God? Make biscuits at the next Men’s Ministry monthly breakfast?

You decide. I’ll be busy doing what I have to do.

15 thoughts on “Why This Brother Fights for Women

  1. Excellent post! My only quibble is that women are more like 60% of the church, so it is even worse for men-first people to block the gifted ministry of sisters in Christ.


  2. The most powerful and far-reaching thing you can do for the advancement of the Kingdom is to free me and my sisters to serve God as he gifts us? (Okay, Greg. You got me…whew. I hadn’t realized how alone I’ve felt, how hard it is.)

    Thank God. And yes…I agree with you. Until now, I never saw myself and my sisters as included in the “captives” the Chosen One would set free (Isaiah 42 and Luke 5).

    But it’s true. May we and others who follow the Master continue to be a covenant to the people and a light to the gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, free captives from prison, and release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. This is the year of the Lord’s favor.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Reminded of a Leonard Jones blog about a chat he had with his very experienced missionary friend Dan. Dan said ” every religion in the world denigrates women…there must be something in women that the devil is absolutely terrified of….we need to find it and loose it!”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks so much for this, Greg – and for your continuing to fight the good fight, regardless of the flack you take for it. It means more than you can imagine to women seeking to embrace God’s call. I was reminded of a passage I read this a.m. in Philippians, where Paul is talking about the fact that there are people preaching the Gospel for the purpose of causing him more trouble in prison. His attitude? “But what does it matter? Nothing matters except that, in one way or another, people are told the message about Christ, whether with honest or dishonest motives, and I’m happy about that.” (Phil 1:18 GWN) Paul was so passionate about getting the gospel “out there” that I am convinced he would be utterly horrified to see complementarians and others trying to keep godly, educated, gifted women from serving Christ and spreading the gospel in any and every possible way.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I never thought before about 50% of Christ’s body being told to hold back. And how Jesus tells us to pray for more workers for the harvest field. May God bless your efforts to recruit and encourage us. Be very blessed.


  6. I just found this. You have hit quite a few nails on their proverbial heads! I am 70+, and from youngest years I always felt I “knew my place” both in the church and in marriage, and I acted accordingly. It’s only been in recent years that I’ve figured this out! Long story and stories, and I’ll spare you! LOL Thank you, and many others, for your insight!!!


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